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Rain Water Harvesting FRP Filter

Rain Water Harvesting FRP Filter

What is a FRP filter?

Rain Water Harvesting FRP Filter Tank also called as Fiberglass Reinforced Plastic tanks are important parts of reverse osmosis water purification systems. FRP Water Vessels are used as multimedia filer, activated carbon filter and softener.

FRP stands for Fiberglass Reinforced Plastic. FRP filters are used in reverse osmosis water purification systems. They can be used as:

  • Multimedia filters

  • Activated carbon filters

  • Softeners

FRP tanks are made with high performance resin and fiber glass. They are durable and anti-corrosive. They are used in many industries, including:

  • Fertilizing

  • Refining

  • Water treatment

  • Metal extraction

  • Chlor-alkali producers

  • Paper and wood pulp

  • Brine, vinegar, and food storage

FRP tanks are designed following BSEN 13121-2016 and BS 4994-1987. The two key elements are:

  • Hoop and helical winding

  • Strength to sustain the liquid

FRP filter housings are widely used in:

  • Water and wastewater treatment plants

  • Desalination plants

  • Brackish water treatment plants